Friday, January 29, 2016

Product Review: Magic Potions White Allure Line

As I was doing my regular makeup routine, I was surprised to find out that I've already finished another concealing stick again. It was a bit annoying because as I've recalled I just got my Fashion 21 Perfect Stick a few months ago. I don't usually put much stuff on my face when I had clear skin.

And then it hit me, why focus too much on concealing my skin problems... when I could just focus on a better skincare routine instead? Right? As I've remembered most makeup artist would tell us that your face is a canvas, if it's not primed well then your "masterpiece" wouldn't look as smooth as you want it to be.

A photo posted by Kamila (@kamilacinco) on

As for me, I went on a search to find something that will improve my skin condition. Having too much dark spots on the face takes up time to conceal and is also pricey in the long run. Not cool.

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Contact Lens Review: Lenspop Bunny 3 Color Gray

One of the things I found out while I was conducting my thesis survey was regardless of the age, gender, social status and whatsoever. The first thing that people tend to look at first are the eyes.

For certain occasions that I want to look extra pretty or glammed up, I'd tend to work on the eye area as my focal point for my makeup. Just to make my eyes do the talking.

But if my eyes could talk, I think they will tell you how mesmerizing my latest pair from Klenspop are!
Introducing my CURRENT FAVORITE SO FAR --- The Bunny 3 Color Grey!

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Dermcare Giveaway!

In this day of age almost everything seems so fast-paced and instant. A decade ago, it was merely impossible to see the photos that you took at that exact moment. It will take you days to have the negatives of my photos developed and printed. Plus, doing your research at the library is another story!

With most things available in just one click, sometimes it is hard to keep up as you'll end up being burned out. For me, I really felt that I've neglected my body last year and I'm trying my best to make up for it this 2016. In order to keep our body strong and our spirits positive, we must reward ourselves once in a while with relaxation and soothing treatments.

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