Finally got to revisit The Mind Museum with a friend over the weekend to check out The Apocalypse Project. I always had the idea that most science museums aren't really constantly updated or well-maintained due to lack of budgets. And I was kinda expecting that the place would look pretty much the same as I've last visited it during the exhibit of Da Vinci - The Genius. But no, there were new additions to the the museum. More about this after the jump! Check it out!
Inside the Museum
I actually realized that my last post was more about The Mind Museum was more about the Cafe Scientifique and the Da Vinci - The Genius Exhibit. I forgot to share with you guys the other fascinating things you could also see inside the museum.
I saw this at the Earth Gallery. This was really funny. If you could read this, it's actually a guide on "How to Become a Good Fossil". Try clicking the photo so you could see it in full size.
On our way to the Universe Gallery from the Earth Gallery we went through this Tunnelcraft! It was really mesmerizing and made me a little bit dizzy. Lol. I wish I took a video of this. :D
I know I've already mentioned the Space Shell last time. But I didn't know they actually change what's going on inside. The last time was more on Stargazing 101 and introducing easy to spot constellations but now, they actually have film showings too! The dome and the projector makes it seem like we're watching a 3d film. But it's not. We watched "Back to the Moon For Good". It's cool how to see the moon from a different angle. It's nice to see new innovations in the world of astronomy.
Vain girls need mirror selfies too, right? Kidding. Here you could see different kinds of mirrors and uses for glass. You could find this at the 2nd floor of the Technology Gallery. Next to The Apocalypse Project which I will talk about in a while.
I know I posted a glass recycling zoetrope from the last time. But you could see here how they've updated their zoetrope and made it much more detailed. Really cool. If you're following my Instagram account, I took a quick video of it so you could see it in action.
From the top photo is an x-ray scanner similar to the ones that you could see at the airports. Below are video games free to play for everyone. I'm glad they updated the games here. I find it much more enticing for the people to play with compared to the last ones. It's so cute that the characters on the lower left of the picture are Armadillos. One of my favorite animals. Hehe!
New Additions to the Museum
Aside from the existing ones I mentioned earlier, here are some blog worthy new additions to the museum.
I love seeing things up-close so this installation really appealed to me. Here you could see various specimens such as moths, butterflies, ants and others that you could check out with a pocket microscope. I know JeepNeed is selling these for an affordable price and I'm still highly considering getting one up to now.
It's funny, there was a group that was sort of hogging this area. No surprise why. So I kept checking back and forth to see if this area was free. I even watched a quick film showing and went around the museum again only to find out they were still there. Nevertheless, it was definitely worth the wait.
Here at the Shadow Box I got to see my fat shadow frozen for 15 seconds. It's a wake-up call. XD
I didn't take part of this due to my electrophobia. Anyway, it's quite cute how the looked like after. Some of their hair strands were standing up. I wish I could elaborate on this more but I'm really paranoid like that. Huhu
I didn't get to watch the whole thing because the museum was closing and we're panicking on which places we haven't seen yet. Lol. What happened here is a science demo on how fireworks get their colors due to chemical reactions and such. Don't try this at home.
Here's a familiar Filipino brand, Rags2Riches! I remembered this was introduced at the BDJ Rendezvous last year and I really love its advocacy on helping the skilled crafters at Payatas by providing income generating projects for them. This is on my wishlist and I'm hoping to own one someday.
The Apocalypse Project
Of course, the main purpose of my trip was checking this out. I'm used to going to exhibits but the idea of seeing an Eco-awareness themed one was still quite new to me. I intentionally didn't put everything here because I think some of them like The Fadelist and The Climatoscope is something you'd appreciate more in person.
Climate Change Couture: Volume 2, Manila
From L-R: The Garbage Gown, The Unpredictabilicoat, The Terrasuit, The Scavenger Suit and The Inflatable Terno. Each clothing is designed as such in order to adapt to global warming. The descriptions of each clothing is witty. I hope you could see these personally. I remembered Atom Araullo wearing the Scavenger Suit when he last visited here. I think he's the only one that could rock that look. Lol. I really love the design and concept of the Garbage Gown. Maybe that one I could pull off.
The Planetary Poetry Board
is an interactive activity where guests are invited to create their own
spontaneous poem. Roll the dice, land on the prompt, and write the
first thing that comes to mind.
T.E.M.P.S (The Ephemeral Marvels Perfume Store) presents: The Smell Bar of Vanishing Scents
I didn't get to have a whiff of these because it's a hypothetical perfumery set. Which is according to the is named as such as they would vanish due to rising sea levels caused by global warming.
Sometimes I think I am quite blessed I get to experience these new things. This is why I am giving away two (2) All-Day Passes to The Mind Museum to one (1) lucky follower!
This giveaway will start tomorrow and will be open for everyone in the Philippines. Just follow the steps on Rafflecopter to get a chance to win. Remember, the more entries means the bigger chance to win!
Hope everyone enjoyed my post! Have a great week ahead of you guys!
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