Monday, December 15, 2014

Recharge Naturally with Lightwater

Finally! My semester is officially O-V-E-R! Before anything else, I'd like to thank everyone who answered and supported my thesis. Your survey answers were truly valuable and I'm glad a lot of you were willing to share even the most personal experiences you had with my thesis topic! I can't say as of now if I aced my thesis research because I didn't perform well on the deliberations. But I'm just glad all those cups of coffee was very worth it!

No, I don't collect Starbucks stickers during December.

However, too much coffee made me a little bit acidic and causes me to palpitate. Which is why I personally prefer white coffee over the regular ones. But I'm excited to find out that there's a simple way to combat that acidity. Last week I got to know Lightwater, a alkaline based water (pH 8.2 to be exact) that has no sugar, no salt, no calories. Only electrolytes like calcium, magnesium and potassium for better hydration!  

Why alkaline based water?
According to

1.) Detoxify - Detoxify your body to remove normal acidic waste products accumulated daily, plus remove toxins accumulated in your body from your environment, prescription drugs, unnatural foods and from the "normal" process of aging. Acid wastes collected in the body could lead to more serious health conditions. Drinking alkaline water daily can neutralize the acidity and wash acid waste products from cells and tissues.
2.) Hydrate - Hydrate your body: this is the basic to maintain or regain optimum health. During ionization your water forms micro clusters that are easily more absorbed at the cellular levels thus "super hydrating" your body.
3.) Oxygenate / Antioxidants - Alkaline water helps balance the body's pH, which tends to be acidic because of our high acid food diet, stress and exposure to environmental toxins such as smog. Alkalize your body pH  from acidic to alkaline pH, because cancer and many other illnesses cannot live in alkaline environments. Alkaline is the "normal" state of healthy people.
4.) Alkalizes the Body's pH - Enhance your immune system to maximize your body's ability to fight off diseases and heal itself.

These exact benefits are the reason why achievers like Alvin Balderama, Christina Dy, Joseph Pagulayan, Tonette Nicolas, Miguel Lopez and many more Lightwater ambassadors are always in their tip top condition!

I know this because I was lucky to rub elbows with some of them during an intimate dinner honoring the Lightwater ambassadors at The A-venue Mall inside Treehouse.

Here's a quick summary on what went on during the event:

Opening speech from Vice President Jasper Ong

A very satisfying buffet courtesy of Treehouse. The shrimps are PERFECT. Would totally go back for more.

Photo courtesy of Running Photographers

Lightwater also prepared a special game for us! It was more of a game of wits as they asked us questions about sports trivias and such. Our team got the most points so we were awarded with these bags. 
Perfect to travel with this holiday!

Denise and I also got to play Treehouse's awesome arcade games for free! 
We got to play Pacman, Donkey Kong and other classic games!

I also got to try Magners from the Treehouse. It's an Irish Cider Beer made with 17 different kinds of Apples. The best part? A crisp flavor with no aftertaste. Better than most of our local flavored beers. However with 4% alcohol content, it won't give you a strong kick which is pretty much okay if the night is young.

Lightwater was quite handy that night because anything with alcohol tends to dehydrate. 
What perfect way to to hydrate our bodies faster? Be greater with Lightwater.

To know about Lightwater, follow them at their social media pages:

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